An invitation to translate jamovi


Join the jamovi community, and contribute to translating jamovi!

jamovi is already available in a number of languages, including:

  • English
  • Chinese
  • Japanese
  • Spanish
  • Portuguese
  • And many others

Is your language still missing? Or do you think a translation could be improved? We invite you to come join the translation effort!

How it works

  1. jamovi is translated through the weblate project here. Head on over there, create an account, indicate what languages you are able to translate, and weblate will let you create new translations and contribute to existing ones.

  2. When you’ve completed a translation, we’ll push it out to the cloud version of jamovi so you can see what the translations look like jamovi itself. If you need to tweak/adjust/fix anything that isn’t quite right, just head back to weblate.

  3. Once you’re happy with it, drop us a line, and we’ll include those translations in our next desktop release of jamovi!

Thanks for helping make jamovi great!
