jamovi module development workshop – 31st October 2018


One of the core values of jamovi is to decentralise statistical methods as much as possible, and to empower anyone (irrespective of statistical philosophy) to publish graphical, accessible analyses for anyone to use. For this reason, the jamovi library is probably our favourite accomplishment; a community driven collection of graphical analyses for the masses.

To develop analyses, a collection of tutorials are available from our ‘developer hub’ at dev.jamovi.org. However, some people prefer to learn ‘in person’, with experts available to field any questions that arise. For this reason, we’re running the first jamovi module development workshop on the 31st of October, 2018, at Macquarie University, Sydney Australia.

The workshop is free of charge. Please register over here if you want to attend the workshop.


  • 11:00 - 11:15 Welcome/Registration
  • 11:15 - 13:00 Session 1:
    • Overview
    • What makes a good analysis?
    • ‘Goal centric’ user interface design
    • Getting started with jmvtools
    • Time for self-directed projects
  • 13:00 - 14:00 Lunch (not included)
  • 14:00 - 17:00 Session 2:
    • Implementing plots
    • Implementing user interfaces
    • Time for self-directed projects


This workshop works through the process of developing a module from scratch, and touches on analysis design, user interface design, and effective use of ‘state’. The workshop will have some structured talks, but most of the time will be available for people to work on their own module at their own pace, with the workshop instructors available to field any questions that arise.

People are encouraged to come up with an idea for a jamovi module that they would like to implement, that they can develop during the workshop (even if they don’t intend on publishing it). Modules can extend jamovi in a number of ways - providing analyses, plots, test selection, or you could even make a little game.

Although not crucial, people will get the most out of this workshop if they already have an understanding of developing R packages. If this isn’t an area you have experience in, we’d encourage you to work through some online resources ahead of the workshop, such as r-pkgs.had.co.nz/.

We encourage people who are very keen to work through the jamovi tutorials at dev.jamovi.org before the workshop.

On-site workshops

Interested in a module development workshop at your institution? Contact us at contact@jamovi.org for any questions/requests. We have instructors based in Australia and the Netherlands.
